Mary & Martha – radical inclusion, discipleship & making space

A couple of years ago Stevie Walker gave a Gospel talk on Mary and Martha and discipleship. In some ways it sowed the seed of Covenanters and that is why we have chosen Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (Diego Velazquez, 1618), as the header for Covenanters.

It’s a serious, even mysterious painting. Stevie’s take on the scene from Luke 10 is just as challenging. The conflict between the Mary and Martha, he argues, is about the meaning of discipleship, ultimate values and how then we live.

Stevie’s focus is on the text, not Velazquez’ painting. If it were he may have noted that Velazquez’ placing of fish upon the table is no mistake – Mark 1:16

Anyway, have a read of Stevie’s sermon: Mary & Martha – radical inclusion discipleship & making space

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