Waiorongomai retreat 2015

Hi there Covenanters. Just a reminder that our away retreat is this coming July 10th – 12th 

Waiorongomai 1 - worship

Last year’s retreat at Waiorongomai Station was such a good time Emily and I thought why not stick with a good thing and do it again!

This year’s two topics are: Recovering the Centrality of the Cross and Recovering the simplicity of the Gospel. We’ve got the catering covered (well almost) and there’s a movie booked for Friday night (secret). Just thinking presently about a children’s programme and with a bit of luck we may have the new S. Mic’s Song Book finished in time to try out – along with a couple of new songs freshly composed by Hayden.

All we need now is you. So if you haven’t replied to Emily’s email of a few weeks back asking for confirmation that you’re coming, then please do so right away. We need to have the booking finalised by the end of the month – this  year the Waiorongomai people won’t take late bookings so you need to act soon.

Remember, you can invite people who aren’t Covenanters but whom you think would benefit from the time. There are also subsidies for students and unwaged – TBC once we get numbers sorted. Don’t let finance be an obstacle if you think the Lord is calling you to come.

Meantime watch the Covenanters fb page over the next few days for details.

Warm regards in Christ

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