Marking Easter…

Dearest Covenanters

This is just to remind you of the different services we have to mark Easter this year (see the flyer below). It’s important for us to take time to reflect upon and give thanks for all that God has done for us in Jesus’ death and resurrection. The different services give us opportunity to do this whatever stage we are at in our relationship with God.

easter 2014 - servicesflyer

Our Good Friday Three Hours at the Cross installation gives us an opportunity to focus outwards this Easter as we return to thinking about the meaning of the cross, hear the passion narrative read and pray for our  sisters and brothers around the globe who are suffering for His name’s sake.

You can stay for the whole three hours or come and go as you need between 12noon and 3pm.

Yours in Christ

One comment on “Marking Easter…

  1. David Newton on said:

    P.S. On a practical note… we are still short of readers for our Easter Eve Vigil. If you can help in this way do let me know.

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